Children, Adolescents, Adults
A person is eligible for services if they present with severe emotional disturbance, as evidenced by a mental health diagnosis defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV TR. The agency provides service without discrimination regardless of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, national origin, disability, veteran's status or marital status. SASS clients must come through the CARES line (800-345-9049)
Medicaid, Managed Care Organizations (MCO), Aetna Better Health, Blue Cross Blue Shield, FHP, Family Health Network, Harmony, Illinicare, Meridian, Molina, Next Level Health
English, Spanish
Yes for outpatient therapy (As of 11/15/2016) English speaking: 21 with 3-4 weeks wait time Spanish speaking: 17 with 4-5 weeks wait time
On a case-by-case basis depending on the therapist and program.
If receiving outpatient services with our agency.
Intake Coordinator (847) 695-3680