New Service Directory Provides Access to Services in Kane County

When someone is seeking behavioral health services, they don’t want to waste time surfing the internet, Googling this, searching for that, trying to find the right agency in the right location for the issue they are facing. While it may not be a “crisis,” someone would not be trying to find services if it were not for something serious. In fact, an easy to use Kane County-based “guide” was identified as a crucial first step in providing access to behavioral health services specifically in Kane County.

To address this need, the Kane County Behavioral Health Council developed a new feature for its website

The site now has an interactive portal that is designed to connect residents with Kane County-based behavioral health agencies. On the home page, the “Find Services” tab will open up the Service Directory, a searchable database of both private and public providers that is categorized by geography, target age group, services needed, even the type of insurance accepted and the preferred language spoken. These filters will narrow down the search to the agency or agencies that provide the needed service(s) at locations near the client’s home. The site itself was recently upgraded with both new graphics and content. The “Message of the Month” archives are still available, as is the “Layman’s Guide to Mental Health” PowerPoint and the Events Calendar. Other features include a jobs page that lists numerous open positions in county agencies. A training and resources page that lists the opportunities for education, such as a Mental Health First Aid, is available. Also new to the site is a special “Youth” tab that has a host of topics of special interest to young people. The site will continue to evolve as current features are updated and new ones added in trying to reach the goal of improving mental health services in Kane County.


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